We had Easter at our new house this year. We were lucky to get to spend it with both Mike's mom and dad, and all of his siblings. We had a huge meal: ham, sausage, perogi, mashed potatoes, greenbean casserole, corn, and different types of bread. We also had a huge dessert selection thanks to Mike's mom. I didn't get any pictures during dinner, but here are some of the kids mostly beforehand.
The kids found their baskets in our room... since that is where we all end up in the morning, and they weren't feeling well... Jason loved his Chocolate car. The bunny also left him a game to play, and a few small treats.
My Hammy playing with his Chocolate car... Ahh the little things.
Lexie got these rabbit ears and an Easter Bunny in her basket... she let us know that she would have preferred chocolate like her big brother.
This chocolate car ended up being all he ate the whole day (and he only ate the headlights).
Lexie loved being a bunny!
My angel :-)
Lexie and Aunt Katie on Easter morning... Katie liked her chocolate bunny! Lexie wanted some too! Katie is 14 going on 30- so great to have around!
Lexie with Grandma after dinner :-) She was VERY spoiled on Easter!
Not the best family shot of the four of us, but it'll do.
The kids weren't feeling well and I couldn't really get a better pic than these. You can kind of tell that they matched.
Lexie can always sqeeze out a smile.
My spoiled baby with all of her Easter goodies!
My peanut loves the grass.
...and her new book! Thanks Grandma!!
Grandma also indulged Jason is his new passion... TRAINS!!!! Jason hasn't put these trains down.
More goodies from Grandma... How cute is the Lorax!?