Friday, September 28, 2012

Date Night

Amy recently moved to a house on our street and we got a date night when she had Jason and Lexie sleepover for the 1st time there. Colden stayed home, but in the morning she took all 3 to church with her.

Little Kids

These two are so fun to have home with me all day. Things are pretty peaceful between 8 and 3.  They both have gotten into puzzles lately and are very good at them!


1st Day of Kindergarten

I walked Jason to school on his 1st day of Kindergarten. He was very excited, but I could sense his nervousness. I took him into his classroom, and we saw others crying. He didn't cry and was very brave, but I could feel he felt scared on the inside. I gave him a hug or two and left him, feling the tears starting to swell. I bawled the second I got through the door, and the whole way home. Can't believe my baby growing so fast. I am so proud that he was brave even though new things can be scary!