I kind of packed Mike's birthday full of fun this year. We woke up and took the kids to Grandma's so we could go for a run in Delaware park. I was pretty sore so we went pretty slow the 1st 1.8 mile lap. Mike did a second lap alone though and it only took him 14 minutes! Pretty fast for his second run!
Then we had a picnic lunch at Grandma's and icecream cake (birthday boy's fav). After lunch we scrambled to get ready to meet up with some friends and Aunt Amy at Fantasy Island. We rode the big train around the park, and went in the wave pool for awhile. Colden is crazy. He just lays right down and lets the waves engulf him. No coughing or swollowing, just complete happiness.
Then we came home to get ready for phase three. Amy babysat while we went out to a nice dinner at Empire Grill (with Pat and Tori) and the to see Snowwhite and the Huntsman! It was a great day. The kids and I are so luckyand grateful to have Mike. It was fun spending his birthday with him for the 8th time :)
Family pictures 2024
2 months ago
you look adorable! Love you dress! what a cute couple!