I had originally thought that only Mike would be kept up driving, but we all stayed up the whole night, and hit the streets as soon as we made it there (we couldn't check into our room until 3 pm). Jason was SO well behaved. He is usually on a pretty strict sleep schedule and doesn't normally eat the types of food we ate out there. He was a perfect angel in the car both ways, and listened the whole trip, not many meltdowns. I was even surprised he went to sleep so easily with us in a hotel room. He has never even slept in our bed at home.
Anyway we all had a great time and can't wait to go back and see more!
Here are a few pictures. Our camera screen is broken, and we aren't able to see what we are taking a picture of, so some of them came out little lopsided and what not, but we did the best we could.
This was Mike's favorite part of the trip! This is inside of the New Jersey turnpike on our way there. When this underwater tunnel finally ended we were instantly thrown into NYC traffic. It was quite the rush. Thankfully we made it to and from our hotel unscathed. Infact, Mike drove through midtown like a pro, with my navigation help of course ;-)