Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Baby Shower!

Well, I am the luckiest girl in the world! Some friends got together and threw a baby shower to celebrate baby Lexie Nicole with me! A lot of our friends happened to be out of town this day, but it still turned out so great!

Britta and I... Thank you so much Britta for having us all over!

Britta's crafty decorations... these women are so talented.

The delicious food :-)

Baby girl cupcakes :-) They were so good!

The guests... thank you everyone for coming!

More guests :-)

Thanks everyone for all the generous gifts!

We're so excited for this little girl to come so we can put her in all of her new clothes and hair bows!

Group shot!


  1. Horray for baby showers! By the way, I'm almost POSITIVE you're not the last to know our news. Word is just now getting out so you're probably one of the first! :)

  2. I quite enjoyed the party, thanks for the great afternoon!

  3. I know it's silly but I LOVE those little Baby girl cupcakes!!! dmp
